Piecing Together Marvel Puzzle Quest: Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Modern)

Negasonic Teenage Warhead is the nom de guerre of Ellie Phimister, a mutant who is a radiation-enhanced ray of... not sunshine.
Negasonic Teenage Warhead might have a prickly exterior but always stands up for her principles, her friends, and the people she's chosen as family. Unleash her powers now in Marvel Puzzle Quest!

The 4-Star Rarity (Legendary) character with affiliation Heroes, Mutants, and X-Men has a tool kit that includes Deal With It, Thermonuclear Whatever, and Resistor.

Using Deal With It, a high-cost green power, Negasonic Teenage Warhead surrounds herself with a barrier of flame as she plows into the opposition. Deals 116 damage to the enemy team and creates a 4-turn Countdown tile that, when matched or destroyed, creates a number of Charged tiles equal to the counter left on the Countdown tile.

With Thermonuclear Whatever, a high-cost red power, Negasonic Teenage Warhead throws a punch that explodes on impact. And before impact. Also before. Deals 370 damage plus 139 damage for each Charged tile you have matched or destroyed this battle (up to a maximum of 6 tiles), then converts 1 random basic tile into a Charged tile.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead sparks her powers to keep up the fight with Resistor, a mid-cost yellow power. Swaps 2 pairs of random basic tiles. For every Black tile swapped, converts 1 random basic tile into a Charged tile.
Pick up Negasonic Teenage Warhead during her release event Introducing… Negasonic, running September 24 through October 1; and Simulator, running September 24 through September 28.
Negasonic Teenage Warhead featured events include Infinite Pursuit running September 27 through October 2; Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D. running September 27 through October 2. A Versus Tournament, Attitude Adjustment, stars on Sepmteber 27 and ends on September 30.
Pick up Marvel Puzzle Quest here. Stay tuned to Marvel.com for Marvel Games news and interviews and follow Marvel Games on Twitter for more!
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